Why This Financial Tool Can Help Manage Your Credit Cards

Why This Financial Tool Can Help Manage Your Credit Cards

Why This Financial Tool Can Help Manage Your Credit Cards

Have you ever heard of the website mint.com? If you have, then consider yourself lucky. If you haven’t, let me tell you what the site is and how you can use the site to manage your financial life a little better. Mint.com is a completely free (yes that’s right, free) site that allows you to manage all aspects of your financial life. The site pulls together financial data from all of your bank accounts, credit cards, mortgages, etc., into one easy to use platform, and you can then manage your money (spending, saving, debt reduction, etc.) more easily.

The website’s easy to use tools provide you with powerful insight into your spending habits, and the budgeting tools are set up so that it is easy for you to create and modify a budget. The site offers tips on how to pay down your debt, and will even set up a payoff plan that is incorporated into your budget.

The way that mint.com works is that you establish an account (again, there is no cost) and then you provide mint.com with your username and password for all of your financial accounts that you would like to have linked to your mint.com account. Once you provide login information for your accounts, transactions for the past 90 days will be loaded onto your account, and you can use the site’s comprehensive suite of tools to review your spending and come up with a plan.

The website provides tools for analyzing your spending by category that you can then tweak, and this information can be integrated into your overall financial plan and/or budget.

The site is very user friendly, and offers some really cool tools. For example, if you enter the street address of your home, the website will calculate the value of your house. Do you own an old baseball card from the 1950’s? Well, mint.com offers an estimator tool that will give you a good idea of the value of this card, or your jewelry or furniture or just about anything else you might want to sell.

The first thing I would suggest you do after setting up your mint.com account is to complete a budget. Mint.com offers some great budgeting tools, and its process is comprehensive. They have been in the business long enough to know everything that should be included in a budget. The site can then analyze your spending habits using the credit cards you have linked to the account to see how you are doing with regards to staying within your budget. The site also makes suggestions for credit cards or mortgages that might be appropriate for you given your financial situation.

Mint.com offers a truly remarkable set of services for absolutely no cost to the consumer Raja Ampat. The tools that are available through the site are unmatched anywhere else online, and can truly benefit almost any household. If you take 20 minutes to set up your account today, you will not regret it!