The article is about Applying for a Credit Card. Using a credit card is easy. However, applying for one isn’t always the case. Wading through…
Author: S. Anthony
When you’re in the market for a new home, you can be overwhelmed by the process. This is especially so if you’re a first time…
The universe of credit cards continues to expand and its vastness makes it extremely difficult for people to narrow down the choices in their search…
Down Payment and Closing Costs Help The most challenging issue facing first time home buyers is getting enough money together for a down payment and…
Before you start looking at homes, you’ll need to have some estimate of how much you can truly afford to spend each month on your…
Essentially, you have to determine: Is the cost and time it takes to refinance my home mortgage going to be worth it for the total…
The average loan officer usually makes a 40%-90% commission with no salary or hourly rate. The difference in commissions is usually based on experience and…
With the downturn in the economy, millions of Americans have found themselves jobless while trying to climb a mountain of credit card and loan debt.…
Do you know what’s in your credit report? If you do that’s great, but if you don’t it’s time to learn. Your report will have…
There are things no one will tell us about our credit report. For instance what will low our credit scores? How do credit cards affect…